Cetatea de la Poenari - cuibul de vulturi al lui Vlad Tepes - Dracula
Cetatea Poenari, aflata intre Curtea de Arges si Barajul Vidraru, ridicata prin secolul 13, in timpul dinastiei Basarabilor, a fost refacuta in timpul domniei lui Vlad Tepes, care a transformat-o in principala sa fortareata de refugiu in timpul invaziilor otomane.
Cuibul de vulturi al vitejilor lui Tepes este o cetate asezata pe un varf de stanca cam la 850 de metri altitudine , la care se ajunge urcand 1480 de trepte,un urcus nu tocmai lin pe alocuri dar care merita tot efortul datorita panoramei unice ce ti se deschide atunci cand ajungi la destinatie.panou situat la 2 km de cetate.
Legenda spune cetatea a fost inceputa prin secolul 13 in timpul domniei lui Negru Voda dar atunci nu era decat un donjon adica un turn patrat folosit mai mult ca turn de observatie al hotarului nordic al Tarii Romanesti , in el se afla si locuinta celor cativa osteni ce dadeau alarma in caz de invazie. Abia cand domnitor a ajuns Vlad Tepes a fost marita la ordinul acestuia construindu-se turnuri puternie cu ziduri groase din caramida si din piatra de pana la 3 m inaltime imbogatind zestrea cetatii cu patru turnuri semicirculare greu de cucerit datorita asezarii perfecte si inaccesibilitatii constructiei caci accesul se facea printr un pod mobil doar dintr-o singura parte,in rest era aparata de prapastii adanci.
Legendele spun ca aceasta cetate ar fi fost construita de boierii dusmani familiei lui Vlad Tepes care au participat la asasinarea fratelui sau altfel vor fi trasi in teapa daca constructia nu va fi gata intr-o saptamana si ca boierii sa fie mai zelosi in munca o parte din ei au fost trasi in teapa.
Asa ca donjonului i-a mai fost ridicat un nivel,al patrulea iar un rezervor de apa a fost sapat in stanca,au fost construite cele 4 turnuri semicirculare,podul mobil si alte cladiri anexe.
O alta legenda spune ca odata in timpul domniei sale ar fi fost asediat de turci dar ar fi scapat dupa ce a fost ajutat de sapte frati din satul Arefu pe nume Dobrin, care i-au potcovit caii invers inseland astfel urmaritorii,de altfel in satul mai sus pomenit se afla foarte multe familii care poarta acest nume semn ca legenda are un sambure de adevar iar cei sapte frati ar fi primit sapte munti pentru pastorit in zona cetatii .
Dar legenda care mi place mie cel mai mult e legenda care spune ca sotia lui Tepes ca sa nu fie capturata de turci s-ar fi aruncat de pe zidurile cetatii decat sa fie capturata de turci iar stanca unde trupul ei s-ar fi zdrobit ar purta si acum pe ea sangele ei.
Cert e ca dupa moartea lui Tepes turcii ar fi pus tunurile pe o inaltime alaturata cetatii si ar fi bombardat cetatea dar aceasta a fost recladita de catre Radu cel Frumos,fratele lui Vlad Tepes iar ea a fost folosita in continuare pana prin secolul 16 iar mai apoi un cutremur intre anii 1888 si 1915 ar fi provocat surparea unei parti nordice a cetatii.
Abia prin 1920 au inceput restaurarile cetatii dar abia prin perioada 1969-1972 cetatea si-a recapatat adevarata stralucire tot atunci contruidu-se si scarile de acces care dau posibilitatea oricarui turist sa o viziteze si sa se bucure de peisajul deosebit.
Cert e ca daca aceasta cetate ar fi reconstruita asemeni altor cetati cu fonduri europene cred ca ar deveni cel mai important punct de atractie al zonei,probabil cel putin la acelasi nivel cu Manastirea meterului Manole situata la circa 20 de km distanta mai jos pe Arges in jos.
Turistii pot vizita 5 km mai sus de cetate pe Transfagarasan ,Barajul Vidraru - un lac imens si fermecator de acumulare construit in anii comunismului si care va poate oferi momente de relaxare unice prin pescuit,plimbari cu barca sau drumetii.
Zona de langa cetate este deosebit de frumoasa iar vizavi de scari se afla si locuri amenajate pentru picnic iar cazare veti gasi relativ usor la una din pensiunile foarte cochete din zona,merita sa petreceti daca nu concediul macar un sejur de 3 zile la poalele cetatii, aerul are o puritate deosebita iar gazdele sunt foarte amabile.
-daca veniti fara masina aveti maxi taxi cursa de Aref din Autogara Curtea de Arges si rugati soferul sa va spuna cand trebuie sa coborati,
-de unde va lasa maxi taxi tineti soseaua spre nord,eventual intrabati la pensiunea de peste drum.
-aveti de mers cam 2 km pe jos,zona unde se intra pe scarile spre cetate e o zona intens circulata iar acolo se afla si uzina electrica ce tine de Barajul Vidraru,
-daca veniti cu masina mergeti cam 25 de km pe Transfagarasan de la Curtea de Arges spre Capatineni si dupa ultimele case mai mergeti cam 1,7 km si ajungeti la uzina.
The Poenari Fortress - Vlad Tepes' s nest of eagles - Dracula
The Poenari Fortress, located between Curtea de Arges and Vidraru Dam, built during the 13th century during the Bessarabian dynasty, was rebuilt during the reign of Vlad the Impaler, which turned it into its main refugee fortress during the Ottoman invasions.
The eagle nest of the valley of Tepes is a fortress set on a rock top about 850 meters altitude, reaching 1480 steps, a climb not quite somewhere but worth the effort because of the unique panorama you see Open when you reach your destination.
Panel located 2 km from the citadel.
The legend says that the fortress was begun in the 13th century during the reign of Negru Voda, but then it was only a donjon, a square tower used more as a tower of observation of the northern border of the Romanian Country, and there is also the home of the few bastards Alarm in case of invasion. Only when Vlad Tepes was ruled was built on his order to build strong towers with thick brick walls and stone up to 3 m high enriching the fortress of the fortress with four semicircular towers that can be conquered due to the perfect settlement and the inaccessibility of the building, Was made by a moving bridge only from one side, but the rest was defended by the deep abysses.
The legends say that this fortress would have been built by the enemy boyars of Vlad Tepes' family who participated in the assassination of their brother or else they would be pulled up if the construction was not ready in a week and that the boyars were more zealous in the work part Of them were pulled in.
So the donjon was raised to a fourth level and a water tank was dug in the rock, the four semicircular towers, the mobile bridge and other annexed buildings were built.
Another legend says that once during his reign, he would have been besieged by the Turks but would have escaped after being assisted by seven brothers from the village of Arefu called Dobrin, who had hiked their horses in the opposite way, thus leaving the pursuers, in the village Above mentioned there are many families bearing this name sign that the legend has a sambure of truth and the seven brothers would have received seven mountains to pastorate in the area of the fortress.
But the legend that I love most is the legend that says Tepes's wife not to be captured by the Turks would have thrown them off the fortress walls rather than be captured by the Turks and the rock where her body would have been crushed would Now she was wearing her blood.
It is certain that after the death of Tepes the Turks would have put the cannons at a height next to the fortress and would bombard the city but this was rebuilt by Vlad the Impaler, the brother of Vlad the Impaler, and it was still used until the 16th century and more Then an earthquake between 1888 and 1915 would have led to the collapse of a northern part of the fortress.
It was not until 1920 that the restoration of the fortress began, but it was not until 1969-1972 that the fortress regained its true glory and the access staircases that allow any tourist to visit and enjoy the scenery.
It is certain that if this fortress was rebuilt like other European funds, it would become the most important attraction of the area, probably at least at the same level as the Manole Manor Monastery located about 20 km further down Arges in below.
Tourists can visit the Transfagarasan Castle 5 km above the Vidraru Dam - a huge and charming reservoir built during the Communist years, which can offer you unique moments of relaxation by fishing, boat trips or hiking.
The area near the fortress is especially beautiful and opposite the stairs there are picnic places and accommodation is relatively easy to find in one of the very chic guesthouses in the area, it is worth spending time if you do not leave at least a 3 day stay at the foot of the fortress, The air has a great purity and the hosts are very kind.
- if you come without a car you have maxi taxi the Aref race from Curtea de Arges Bus Station and ask the driver to tell you when to go down,
-from where you will leave the taxi maxi keep the road north, eventually head to the guesthouse across the road.
-walking about 2 km on foot, the area where the stairs lead to the citadel is an intensely circulating area, and there is also the power plant of the Vidraru Dam,
- if you come by car go about 25 km on Transfagarasan from Curtea de Arges to Capatineni and after the last houses go about 1.7 km and get to the plant.
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